Shaw Somers

Specialises in bariatric and upper gastrointestinal surgery
Located in Central London, Harrow and Portsmouth. Part-time NHS based at Portsmouth NHS Hospitals NHS Trust

Shaw Somers

About Shaw Somers

Shaw is a specialist upper gastrointestinal and bariatric (metabolic) surgeon with over 30 years consultant experience. His surgical expertise has developed through an impressive caseload, and has evolved into specialised care of complex upper GI patients, including the management of bariatric-metabolic surgery.

His early involvement in the keyhole surgery field has gained him a rare position as a National expert. Shaw assists the training of new specialist colleagues and the development of new NHS centres for specialised services.

Shaw is an expert in keyhole surgery and has performed over 4000 major abdominal procedures including oesophageal and gastric cancer surgery, complex anti-reflux surgery, complex bariatric-metabolic surgery and general abdominal keyhole surgery. His particular expertise is in remedial and revision surgery.

Shaw has served as an elected Council member for his speciality professional bodies – the Association of Upper Gastrointestinal Surgery (2003-2006) and the British Obesity and Metabolic Surgery Society (2007-2010). He had the honour of being elected President of BOMSS from 2017-19. Shaw Teaches at the Royal College of Surgeons and is an active member of the Royal Society of Medicine.

Shaw has an active speaking profile both in the UK and internationally. He presents lectures to professional bodies, and also to patient groups and the public on a range of issues within his expertise. He has presented and delivered many TV programmes on obesity, including ‘Embarrassing Bodies’, the ‘Fat Doctor’ series, Food Hospital, and ’The World’s Fattest Man’.

Shaw has an active private practice in central London at The London Clinic, for UK and International referrals. He also has practices in Harrow, NW London and in Portsmouth, Hampshire.