Last month Cancer Research UK stated that three-quarters of people are unaware that being overweight increases the risk of developing 10 different types of cancer. A worrying figure but cancer is not the only life-threatening disease or medical complication linked to obesity.
Obesity is a common problem in the UK. It is estimated to affect around one in every four adults and around one in every five children aged 10 to 11.
What is Obesity?
Obese is the term that describes a person who is very overweight. The most widely used method to find out if your weight is healthy is called Body Mass Index (BMI), it uses your height and weight to calculate your result.
If you would like to work out your BMI click here to visit our BMI calculator. For adults, an ideal BMI is between the range of 18.2 and 24.9. Here is a full breakdown of the BMI ranges for adults:
- Below 18.5 – underweight
- Between 18.5 and 24.9 – healthy weight range
- Between 25 and 29.9 – overweight range
- Between 30 and 39.9 – obese range
- 40 or over – severely obese
There are several schools of thought relating to the cause of obesity. Consuming more calories than you burn off through physical activity is the primarily cause of obesity. Any excess food becomes stored as fat. If physical activity levels increase, fat stores are metabolised and therefore results in weight loss. Achieving a balance that allows suitable weight controls id difficult.
Medical complications of obesity
There is a strong correlation between a high BMI and a shorter life expectancy. Moderate obesity (30 – 39.9 BMI) cuts life by two to four years, while severely obesity (40 – 45 BMI) can cut life expectancy by an entire decade. Obese individuals are 80 times more likely to develop type 2 diabetes than people of lower weight. Some of the most common conditions linked to increase BMI are high blood pressure, heart disease, cancer and arthritis.
Treating obesity
The advice for the treatment of obesity is to eat a healthy, reduced-calorie diet and exercise regularly. However this can be hard to achieve.
What are your options if you are obese and have already tried to improve your diet and exercise levels with no success? Don’t panic there are other options that could help you lose weight.
It might be that you are an ideal candidate for weight loss surgery. As a general guide weight loss surgery reduces the amount of food a person can eat. There are several weight loss surgery produces, however the main three are gastric band, gastric bypass ands gastric sleeve. Weight loss surgery can offer impressive results but it is not a quick fix or an easy option.
Weight loss surgery should be thought of as a tool to aid weight loss and if used correctly will help maintain loss. The majority of weight loss surgery patients experience an increase in their quality of life post surgery. As patients lose weight they are capable of more physical activity, better health and are at a reduced risk of developing obesity related diseases.
Weight loss surgery is not for everyone. It is recommended for people with a BMI of 40 or more, or with a BMI of 35 – 40 and have a serious health condition that could improve with weight loss, such as type 2 diabetes.
How can Streamline Surgical help?
As weight loss surgery specialists we treat all our patients with care, concern and compassion. We fully understand how difficult the decision to have bariatric surgery can be, and the individual post-operative care needed for every patient.
To enquire with Streamline about the weight loss procedures we offer, please call 0333 016 3030 or fill in the online enquiry form below.