Last night BBC aired Trust Me I’m a Doctor: Summer Special, which looked at how to get rid of belly fat. It seems that weekly, if not daily a new quicker way to lose weight is being advertised.
The programme investigates the latest trends and the results show that the most effective and healthy way to lose that belly fat is a combination of diet and exercise.
This is the advice we give to our bariatric patients. Weight loss surgery is a tool to help you lose and maintain weight loss. When you undergo this type of surgery you have to be committed to working with your new weight loss aid.
This will mean making changes to your lifestyle and behaviour. It is not an easy option and will be a lifelong commitment but as so many of our patients say to us it is a worthwhile one!
The first big change will be post-surgery, as your body recovers, it will be essential for you to follow the specific eating guidelines given to you by your bariatric specialist team. The guidelines will vary depending on the type of weight loss surgery you have had.
To give you an idea you will slowly progress from smooth purees to soft foods with some texture or soft lumps and then finally moving on to normal textured foods. This is when your surgery will really help you, if you follow the guidelines, these steps will make it easier to adjust your eating habits.
What about exercise?
Exercise will help maintain muscle tone, accelerate weight loss and increase confidence. Be active! This is more than just going to the gym, it means doing anything that gets you moving and using your muscles. It could be taking the stairs rather than the lift, carrying your shopping in both arms, gardening, dancing or even getting off the bus a stop earlier.
Aim to do some activity everyday. This will increase your metabolic rate to aid weight loss. Patients can usually take more exercise following their procedure, because of improved breathing and or reduced back and knee pain.
Try to start with a daily walking plan. Walking is beneficial because it is a weight bearing exercise, which can help to protect your bones from osteoporosis. Gradually over time you will be able to build up your stamina and move on to other forms of activity. If walking is difficult try water-based exercises such as swimming or water aerobics, which puts less pressure on the joints.
It is important that you choose an exercise you enjoy and do it regularly.
To enquire with Streamline about the weight loss procedures we offer, please call 0333 016 3030 or fill in the online enquiry form below.